
20 Kid-friendly restaurants

The Ibiza Town Council has presented an initiative entitled ‘Restaurants Amics de la Infància’; ‘Kid-friendly restaurants’ , a pioneering initiative in Spain that is currently being implemented in Ibiza and for which 20 establishments have already signed up:  Ágora, All, Ancient People, Anduriña, cafetería Concord, cafetería Isla, Can Alfredo, Can Moreta, Casa Manolo, El Barco, Kobi, La Tagliatella, Manapany, Mar a  Vila, Müma, Pizzería Talamanca, S’Altmeller, Sa Casola, Sa Nova Llum. Guia apetitos

The initiative hopes to create a network of kid-friendly restaurants by offering a distinction to establishments that comply with a series of requirements set out by the council. These include a commitment to offering a changing area for babies, children’s s cutlery, a children’s menu, in which the dessert includes fresh fruit and the assurance that babies may be breastfed in the establishment.

Restaurants that form part of this network of Kid-friendly Restaurants will enjoy a series of benefits that includes a listing in the official guide to Kid-friendly Restaurants. In addition they will feature as part of the town council’s tourism promotion content: Guia apetitos

In the words of the mayor of Ibiza, Rafa Ruiz, “this initiative is part of our continuing efforts to have Ibiza declared a child-friendly destination”. The aim of the initiative is to offer local and visiting families as complete a guide as possible to those restaurants that have been adapted to the needs that families may have when it comes to eating or dining out.



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